Stories Magazine
Artística, estimulante, hedonista e irreverente. Así se planteó el look & feel de STORIES, la revista de lifestyle de Concept Hotel Group, cuyos contenidos giran en torno a los pilares sobre los que se fundamentan sus hoteles conceptuales: Arte, música, diseño, arquitectura, cine y moda. El diseño editorial y su lenguaje, tanto visual como escrito, están diseñados para estimular y sorprender al lector y conectar con él usando las mismas armas que han hecho famosos los hoteles de Concept Hotel Group: Identidad propia y altas dosis de personalidad y autenticidad.
Artistic, stimulating, hedonistic and irreverent. These words provide the look & feel of STORIES, Concept Hotel Group’s lifestyle magazine. Art, music, design, architecture, cinema and fashion are the pillars on which both the magazine and the Group's conceptual hotels are based. The editorial design and language (both visual and written) were designed to stimulate and surprise the reader, as well as forming the same bond that Concept Hotel Group’s hotels have made through their distinctive identities and authentic personalities.
Concept Hotel Group