Nassau Lifestyle Mag
La revista se plantea como el vehículo ideal para transmitir la filosofía y el ADN de cada una de las empresas que conforman el Grupo Nassau, todas ellas relacionadas con el mundo de la restauración, el entretenimiento y la hotelería. Se plantea de la forma más visual y atractiva posible, con un diseño editorial artístico y estimulante, deliberadamente alejado del estilo corporativo y con un objetivo principal bien claro: Ser una revista que no pase desapercibida, y que no solo quieras leer, sino llevarte a casa contigo y coleccionarla.
The magazine was created to be the ideal vehicle to transmit the philosophy and DNA of each of the companies that make up Nassau Group, all of which are involved in the restaurant, entertainment and hospitality sectors. Nassau's magazine is extremely visual and attractive, and founded on artistic and stimulating editorial design. The main objectives were for it to stand out from the crowd and to be the complete opposite of the typical corporate magazine. It had to be a collector's item as well as something that you would want to read.
Nassau Group